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Angel Essences

This set offers great value
7 Archangel Chakra Essences for the price of 5 £55.55

Hazel Raven


Set of Chakra Essences
The full Chakra set

Protection, Purification, Peace, Guidance, Healing

Crown Chakra,
Brow Chakra,
Throat Chakra,
Heart Chakra,
Solar Chakra,
Sacral Chakra,
Root Chakra.
A picture of Hazel Raven

Set One: the Classic Set
5 for the price of 4.

Set Two: the Definitive Set
10 for the price of 8.

Set Three: Children of The AnGels.
5 for the price of 4.

See all the Angel Essences.

image of Hazel Raven

A picture of Hazel Raven

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